Help is arriving in Haiti. People are being found dead and others are being extricated alive. As the people wait for the supplies and expertise to reach them they are helping one another. Other Haitians are being opportunistic, many are grabbing for what they can get to survive. Help is coming though. I pray that the politics and egos be left behind as much as possible, that the aid workers from the different countries work together, that as everyone in Haiti struggling to come out on the other side of this tragedy continues to move through this time that people find themselves "cocooned in moments of grace"(quoting my dear friend) and that those moments give them the strength to continue....
I'm blessed with food and warm shelter and family and friends safe and basically healthy.
And as I write I know that any of that could change at any moment....and I'm just so grateful for the many, many moments of these blessings I and mine have had. I pray for many, many, many more for me and mine.
For the people of Haiti I pray again, as I did last nite, that out of this rubble that so much of Haitian life has been reduced to, that little seedlings of hope and enough will soon begin to slowly sprout and grow stronger and stronger with the help and support, like sunshine and rain, of enough others in our human family.
God bless our Haitian brothers and sisters and all who are lending their aid.
A Baha'i Trilemma?
13 years ago
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