It's one hour and 20 minutes into 2010 out here on the west coast, the Pacific Northwest coast to be exact.
I just read a post by one of my favorite bloggers, Ken Roberts, the Mildly Creative guy. He explained the reasons behind the origins of his Mildly Creative just show up daily and write something, no matter how small.
There's so many things I want to do different, so many unhealthy habits I want to shed and so many healthier and life affirming ones I want to build, grow, create. But where to start and how to "keep showing up" day in and out?
Do I walk or dance 15 minutes? Do I write down my foods daily? Do I make sure to eat at least 2-4 servings of fruit or veggies daily, all things I should be doing already? Or do I come here and make one observation or insight about my day, one blessing, one triumph?
I think I need to cast as wide a net as I can in order to catch myself doing something positive daily that I can take note of, whether it be making better food choices, making room and time for some exercise or noticing something positive about someone else.
Hmmm.......maybe report (at least) one something positive that I did or noticed about me. At the very least. I'll be 50 in 24 days. I'm slowly, or not so slowly, moving into "old dog" land, "really late bloomer" land. I'm feeling like it's really time to start learning those new tricks, to start blooming...... or maybe to just start paying attention to all the tricks I do know already and all the blooming I've done and do. here it is (I was just talking about this with a friend tonite) I'll show up. I'll count some blessings; I'll take note of at least one choice I feel good about for that day( a self blessing) AND I'll be honest about my feelings, the unpleasant as well as the pleasant, AND I'll attempt to keep it short. Because I know there is no way I will show up everyday and write for this length of time.
A Baha'i Trilemma?
13 years ago
1 comment:
Happy new year, my dear friend. May you bless yourself as much as you have blessed me, with your showing up, your unfailing kindness, and your thoughtful insights.
Love you.
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